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A decade ago I lived for four months with my parents in Vienna, Austria. Scott Moore sent me with a mixed tape (long live the mixed tapes of the 80s and 90s!), and I cried missing him for a 14-hour flight to Europe. I went running every morning in the spring rain, listening, loving, crying, and running. We were on the phone every night, and he quit his job and flew to Vienna for a whole month. I knew I wanted this guy around--for the long haul. We married two years later. Ten years later, this go-round it's Berlin. And he sent me with an I-Pod, not a mixed tape. And I walk around lakes, writing in my journal, weeping, laughing, and loving "my sco'." I feel his soft, gentle warmth with me whenever I call for it. With the same intensity, I realize now I want to marry him all over again. I feel like lightning that my decision to walk this life with him was the best one I've ever made. Here's to Scott Moore. And to our marriage.

Berlin alter to Scott, ck [2007-10-29]
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