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The 5-Day Rivertrip in Lodore Canyon:

Butterfly, big-horned sheep, great blue herons, bats, mayflies, the sun in walking into heaven after that first morning, that canyon walk with the sheep and the waterfall and shocked by the beauty and heaven�crying, scott kayaking at steamboat rock, me kayaking, 1st night of horror and courage, the cold and storm of the first day, ann and drew, last morning in breath, meditation, and prayer, giving the burden to them, asking for them in my heart�fair exhchange? Yes�mercy and grace, teaching the students, impermanence and poetry, clarinet on the water, the rapids, the quiet on the water, the different canyons, swimming out to the rock and climbing on, drew�s hat and glasses gesture, drew breaking down about his grandma, talking about music, �sweet!�, their last day working so hard and getting tired, peeing in the night, stars, peeing in the water off the edge of the boat, the cliff paintings, the bones, the end�thanking them, loving them, knowing I�d miss them, like seeing jer off at the airport, feeling a part of them, the storm at the end and pouring rain, the 1st practice on the bunkhouse deck, compromise camp, jones�s hole (waterfall) sailing nectarines down the falls, big horn rams, echo park �yo, ha, the Green meeting the Yampa River, meandering through Island Park, eagles, teabag and wall illuminations, the penis sand sculpture, Heath�s pizza, Debbie�s chattiness but friendliness, talk about peter, Amanda and chris, the newlyweds joe and cathy, �hudson�s geese,� laughter over dinner on our pads set in a semi-circle, �Hot Coffee!!�

rivertrip!! [2007-8-25]
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