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Ode to Phersty

Celeste: a fitting name for someone so close to the heavens, to God, that when she and He decided to put her down here she recoiled, surprised at the loss of heaven, so far from her home.

�You�re not from around here, are you?�

We�re all terrestrial tourists, here, but Celeste hangs around this earth to make the turn on the planet, yes, and also remind us that the trees are green, that the sky is blue, that the wind blows, that the sun sets, and in those rare moments of the setting sun the colors change every second. She is here to remind us that this juicy, beating heart is for sharing and loving so hard that we trust to hurt. It�s for risking big and being willing to fall. Celeste was and is willing to hurt, heart and body�to put her body on the line to really feel what it is like to wade through this valley of tears.

Tears are the spirit�s pure emotion, and with a spirit as big as hers, it�s no surprise that her tears rest close to their gates. That is why she was born with such beautiful big cheek-bones, so that her tears would cascade down her beautiful face. Next to the sunset bursting over Antelope Island , tears running down Celeste�s cheeks with her spirit so open, so present, is one of God�s more beautiful tableaus.

I honor you, heavenly being�child of God. I bow down at your feet and watch in awe as you beautifully make your way through this path. I�m honored to be your trail partner. Thank you for showing me the trees, the sky, the wind, and the sunsets. Thank you mostly for sharing your heart with me, that big wide-open heart. And most of all, thank you for your tears. Keep crying, baby: you�re not too far from home.

December 25th 2006

Ode to Phersty [2006-12-27]
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