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Haven't I been this way before? Am I just circling? No, I'm digging. Deeper. Down and Back...

to the MOLD on Korean walls in a forever dark gray apartment. We spent nearly 3 days cleaning it.

Making all the undesirables airborne, I suppose.

I still see the moisture dripping down those walls all winter.

And now my sweet, strong body is leading me all the way back, to the beginning.

Giving me clues. Pointing me in the only direction left.

To the MOLD that started the sinus infections and debilitating fatigue 4 years ago.

I told Mark Johnson I would gladly name a cat after him one day, if he could guide my body back to wellness. He seemed to like that. And I can tell he likes a challenge. Yes, life is full of serendipity, indeed.

The time is right.

My mind is more whole. I have never felt more adult in my relationship with myself and my life. I take damn good care.

The pieces are set, ready to play on the board, as Gandalf would say. And like him, I, too, felt sent back several months ago for the turning of the tide.

All things must end. And there has never yet been a year without spring.

This is my year.

For frodo.
And phersty.


game on, ck [2006-11-16]
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