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I'm home from Korea. I had no problem getting through customs into the US; the man with the

rubber glove was surprisingly gentle. I flew from Seoul to Boston, a grueling 24 hour flight (three

flights: Seoul Tokyo, Tokyo San Fran, San Fran Boston) and was happy as a clam in a Boston

Chowder (a red) to experience America and the adjoining culture shock in the soft yet buzzing

town of Bean Town. It was great to spend a week with Chris, watching James Bond (we were

both Bond nuts growing up), eating at American restaurants, seeing where he works, meeting his

work buddies, reading his recent writing projects, etc. I made him show me around Boston

University where he just graduated, Magna Cum Laude with a surprised awarding of the Doyle

award, apparently the top award given to English graduates. I made him take me to every one of

his class rooms and every building he ever went into. I had to experience his life. It doesn't seem

real or even possible unless I have experienced it in some way as well. I'm proud.

Then, I flew back to Utah and jumped into . . . Utah. You know? Utah. Everything is busy here.

I'm sure it's because this is where the rest of my life is happening but everything is crazy.

Good-crazy, but crazy none the less.

Allergies suck.

We are trying to decide between two really hip locals for our yoga studio. One is right on 9th and

9th, right across from the Tower Theater--excellent sort-of-seedy location according to all the

real estate agents. Apparently we wouldn't believe what the business there are pulling in. The

other location is a perfect yoga studio: an old warehouse with exposed brick, wood floors, 20 ft

ceilings with sky lights, right by Gateway mall. It's a good location but not as good as 9th and 9th,

from a business stand point. BUT the rent is three times as cheap. So we're torn either to go cool

and cheap, or go with the excellent location and probably have a sure-fire success. What is your


We all went around shopping for a house for Heather and Jim today. They found one they really

like about a block away from our apartment, which, by the way, is the singular most cool

apartment in the state of Utah. The house that Heather and Jim found is a historic monument, for

crying out loud, built in 1905, I think. The inside has very recently been redone and, despite it's

modernity, has kept much of it's old-school feng shui. Heather and Jim fell madly in love with it.

Then Big A came up and took a look at the joint and has not been able to speak of a single thing

since. He made five, count 'em five, calls to "Ralphy" just to express his elation at finding such a

piece of 'this old house' magic. It needs enough renovation so as to provide him with as many

projects as his heart can handle, yet is nice enough that he feels that his projects only contribute to

the existing beauty. "I'm happy to be a apart of this plan." He thinks that Heather and Jim should

buy it tomorrow and never look back.

In other news, Big B defended his dissertation today and received outstanding honors and praise.

He now has his PhD in Microbiology. What do you say to that? Everybody is proud of the bloke.

Tonight we brought over some flowers and some Les Petits Ecoliers as a congratulations.

I sound like Linda, here, giving you all the scoop on the entire family. That's okay, I guess.

My Turn To Be Linda--Scottro [2003-06-19]
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Gathering [2009-09-04]
Roll With It, Baby--Scottro [2008-03-17]
Hog's Day [2008-03-09]
Getting Grounded with Terry [2008-02-14]
Sharron [2008-02-13]