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Poetry and Prayers

I speak poetry and prayers to myself.
These are my
nursery rhymes,
as I wash her with a fresh mango
and filtered morning sun in the bathtub.
Clean and feed her,
(yes, that is what you can do)
and then Come to rest,
Change the shape of my body,
and Begin to pray...

Let the sweetness and the harshness
wash over me. Both.

I taste the tender, sweet morsels so easily
heart open to breeze and birdsong,
the life moving outside my window,
reminding me
how to breathe.

I prop my warm, clean body open,
arms and legs wide on the wood floor,
and move out,
here and there,
beyond my thoughts,
into what surely must be bliss.

Though my heart has not forgotten
last night,
on rough hands and knees,
screaming into the wood planks beneath me,
wetting myself with tears
and frightening myself with anguish,
the wild animal of my heart moaning its
tenderness and loss.

Yes, my body is a canvas for both fevers and flavors,
and does not forget.
The shadow of last night still hugs me in deep places,
Yet in the rebirth of morning,
I've enticed myself
into a quieter and softer shape,

So that joy and hope
sift quickly and easily
in and through, and
take me

--Celeste, May 2007

poetry prayers mangoes, ck [2007-065-27]
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