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Our journey back to Arches was my journey back to self.

Back to red dirt and Native rhythms and old farms and simple folk. Back to the spiritualism that was my birthright. Back to the activism and environmentalism that are my passion.

And it became, of course, an homage to the memory of my youth with my brother. We opened our spirits together as teenagers. We taught ourselves to take off shoes and shirts and get some sun, and to open up our hearts and minds and soak up all the goodness.

I laughed happily at our memories there in Arches. At our love for the earth and for each other. At the simplicity in the way we lived. At the joy we had when we were together.

And I thought to myself, we probably could have lived that way forever. We probably would still be hand-in-hand today, loving and laughing. And our child spirits probably will forever be.

But at some point our souls knew to grow in other directions, I guess.

So we each met another soul magnetized to our own. We each found a beautiful playmate to grow with, to sturdy our trunks and send our roots miles deep with. And we found the pain that comes with growth. But my--look at us now! Child spirits like willows or soft bamboo with new, climbing, strong branches, and new, wandering, sturdy roots.

Nothing lost. There's only gain. Nothing's ever lost. Growth does not imply decay or death. It never implies LESS. Only MORE. We're forever friends and children.

For You, Deep in My Heart, ck [2003-05-25]
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