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Good For The Soul, an unfinished list

Opting not to drive and taking a walk in midday spring sun with a wide blue sky overhead and a cowboy hat keeping out the sun.

Spreading yourself out in the back of a wind and sun-filled jeep, with said cowboy hat still on, rolling by lakes and farms and goats and mountains and sagebrush.

Roaming the house naked in the morning, hollering to Patti Griffin's "Forgiveness" and doing breathing exercises to new age chants and eastern rhythms.

Receiving a back massage from a kind friend--at your authentic request--to Celtic tunes and essential oils after watching the moon eclipse.

Signing the lease for the apartment you've visualized for years because you finally understood that if you need something, it will come calling, and you just have to reach out for it.

Learning that your lover is spending the weekend at a Korean Buddhist temple with the monks.

Knowing when it's time to pack up and leave, and then doing it.

Realizing that this time of change and transition can be horrifying or a few of the best weeks of your life. It's your choice.

good for the soul 1, ck [2003-05-16]
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