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You know you're starting to feel comfortable in a place when you can skip down the streets, chin upturned, moon in sight, and waving your long hair back and forth in the cool night air.

I walked last night just around my parents' neighborhood, but I felt like I was in a wilderness. I could hear everything in the air and feel and smell the trees as if I were on any mountain hike.

I feel light and free, and though I still carry a very tired body, it seems rejuvenated day by day. Less noise. Less pollution. Less crowding. I am amazed at the environmental differences here, and though I adore Korea, I am grateful for a chance to breathe in wide blue skies and twinkling stars in deep black, and collapse on green earth whenever I feel so inclined.

Which seems to be every hour on the hour today.

Even my mother, who heard of my sickness in Korea, has a hard time imagining why I'm still not well and fulfilling every social expectation. "But you seemed to feel a little better this morning," she questions. And my mind replies as it has to everyone's questions in the last 7 months: "So? I feel like crap this afternoon." My body isn't following any rules but its own.

But it IS mending, the more I sink into green grass and soak up the stillness and energy of the earth.

On the Mend, ck [2003-05-11]
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