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How can you ever thank a mother?

Especially mine?

How do you thank someone who has never claimed authority over you, but who has insisted, "We're just dear friends and always have been. I just came down to Earth a little before you is all."

How do you thank someone who always sees your triumph, even when you're trembling from a fall and are hours away from picking yourself up and striding boldly back into your life?

How do you thank someone who choked down tears and displayed broad smiles as you boarded a plane for Korea?

How do you thank someone who has sent countless emails of love and support, claiming you as her "hero, example, strength, and soulmate"?

How do you thank someone for the times when you know there's no one else in the entire world you'd dare let see you in that moment except for her?

How do you explain to her the healing she does for you even when she's not present to witness the transformation?

You just don't.

You're grateful for the magic and grateful for the miracles,

and you try and spin the same webs in others' lives, sending out wave after wave of a mother's love.

a mother's love, ck [2003-04-09]
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