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I stumbled into ANCIENT. Scott and I sat at the back of the calm room with a quiet flute and pensive drum, with pale yellow warm floors, in our new, stiff Kouksundo outfits (they look kind of like blue and red--yin/yang--Karate pajama robes) and watched the dance. We were to watch it first many times before starting to learn it.

Our eyes were fixed on Jin Soon. She could've lived thousands of years ago, gracefully and perfectly lunging and bowing. I watched with emotion in my throat. It's not a really a dance she was doing, but I'm not sure what they call it--series, maybe? To me it's a dance, of the most beautiful ancient kind. With big warrior lunges and bow pulling and pressing up the sun and pushing its energy down into your core, and opening and closing your chest and arms, like the beating of a crane's wings. Jin Soon was in no rush, and every movement was delicate and deliberate. Like the way she lives her life, I now realize as I type it. Delicate and deliberate are also the very things I love most about her and want to learn from her.

The teacher (yoga master, we call him) said they will teach us this and other dances a piece at a time, taking us slowly through all the stages. Kouksundo is a little more structured than the yoga I do at home. They actually proceed through series and even belts--from our white belts all the way up to black. Kouksundo claims to have influenced originally both tai chi and Indian yoga. And so it seems. It moves a lot like tai chi, and yet its postures and its purposes are so similar to the yoga I know and love. Kouksundo is very slow and careful and graceful, and exactly what I need. Scott and I joined and will go to a class nearly every day.

Yoga master said to be patient and peaceful. He said to listen to our bodies and to respect where we were at. Scott and I looked at each other and smiled.

Ancient, ck [2003-01-12]
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