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If you've never taught 6- to 14-year-olds, you've never really seen the full extent and possibilities of your personality spectrum. you've never really stretched in ways you never really wanted to stretch.

yikes. i signed up for a year of it. when the kids are really korean and really cute, i'm delighted. but otherwise it's loads, mountains, of energy and patience and creativity. sure, every once in a while. but 5 classes a day? 5 days a week? for a year? hmmmm. this could be interesting.

i'm exhausted tonight, realizing that this may just be the way it works. however, i think i could tone down a bit. i stumble into each classroom, muttering something awful and evil, and then lift my head up with a smile and shout, a song on my guitar, and boundless energy as i holler out English phrases. and then i stumble out of the classroom into the next, to greet their yelling with the same wide, calm smile.

perhaps expending a little less energy may prevent me from late-night drinking, which seems to be the pastime of all the other teachers. or movies for the mormons. every night. and i don't have a tv or a vcr. so that numbing, escaping device won't work for me.

besides, i'm here to live, not escape, so i think i'll have to monitor my toting my guitar from class to class and leading them in "Sunshine on my Shoulders" and "Yellow Submarines" a little bit (though you have never seen anything cuter than a class full of tiny little black-haired Korean kids singing Beatles or John Denver tunes, substituting every "l" for an "r").

otherwise, i'm going to be spending every night nursing a strong desire to knock my head into a wall for a couple hours. that's good stress relief.

Energy Conservation, ck [2002-11-19]
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