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It's supposed to be cold today. The sun is out, but it is hidden behind a seamless gray sky, like a light behind a rice paper wall. The city breathes. Moans, rather.

I run over to the PC bong to pose as someone else's cigarette filter, all for the T-1 connection. Celeste is still sick. After a relaxing morning, me running around in the kitchen as she shouted many kind requests from bed, I've ordered some lunch from the local delivery guy with the kind help of our Korean teacher, Miss Jeong.

We are here to find something. Funny we can't just live our lives oblivious. No, we are meant to learn. I'm sure not just for our own enlightenment. No, there is more to it than that. But since we are still just learning, that's all I can say.

I just feel it.

I just feel it--Scottro [2002-11-12]
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