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Goodbye, phersty. You're brave. You left me 11 hours ago.

While I slept on the bus to the airport, you scribbled out a goodbye note to me. We drudged through the airport baggage check-ing, and I sent sent you off--quite reminiscent of, though inverse to, my departure from Vienna. I was leaving then.

This time, you held me tightly at the departure gate and and let my jokes fool your tears from coming. The rest of that traveling adventure is a mystery to me. It's weird. Up to now, we've always gotten lost together. We make a good traveling pair, though I venture to say that you make best decisions while trying to figure out a subway map, train schedule, or airport maze. I'm sure you are fine.

You disappeared through the semi-transparent glass, and you were gone. I waited for a minute to try to sneak another glimpse of you, snappy new 'come-home' outfit on, Green World bread in the bag over your shoulder and guitar in hand.

And yes, you kick as much 'A' as Maria in the Sound of Music, going off, confident in her new diggs to face the challenge that lies ahead. You've got confidence in you, too, you said. You should.

Last night we burned away the evening as you clear-painted you toenails and I stuffed your bag, airless, to such a complete and efficient capacity, that even Alan Keele, the space filling wizard, would dare to call me Son. But before that happens, remind him that he has a daughter who has braved Asia and is coming home the richer and wiser for it. Or don't say anything and let him discover it on his own. That's my style.

After you were out of sight, no sneaky post-departure preview, I wandered onto a bus and into the maze of Seoul. At my destination, I hopped off the bus alone and reached my hand into my bag and pulled out your sweet note and while standing in a crowed Dongdaemun square, read on a Le Petit Prince card:

4- May '03


"In the arms of the angles, far away from here . . ."

My precious love-- Of all these people I love you the most. Of all this emotion, I have the most for you.

Thank you for being brave enough to GET LOST with me. Thank you for your laughter, sense of humor, unshakeable spirit, love of life, patience with me, desire to be honest and be yourself, and will to learn, love and change.

What and adventure. I have had the best of times with you. Be safe and well and happy. I love you tons and tons and tons :)



I just smiled. I love you.

Goodbye, Phersty--Scottro [2003-06-05]
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