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We spoke quietly afterwards and chuckled to ourselves. It seems that no matter where we go in this world, we'll always seem to find people with a love of tea lights and ceremony, spirituality and vision, music, friendship, and love.

We spent several hours into the night nextdoor at Farhan's with Jinsoon and Bin-Hwa. We entered and they were all seated on floor cushions, the dark room speckled with tea lights and filled with warm spiritual Iranian music.

They gave me a beautiful hand-chosen, handcrafted tea set of my own for my birthday. We gave Jinsoon a parting gift of a little brown tea set for one, to use at school during breaks. We were all full of love and gratitude for this time here and for each other. We are all "lucky stars," as Jinsoon said.

In a circle of held hands, I felt so grateful for these good people and for their love. Grateful for my time in Korea. Grateful for the beauty and joy and growth that continues to greet me around each bend, just as surely as any sorrow, challenge, or pain. It should all just stop surprising me by now.

Tea and Tea Lights, ck [2003-05-02]
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