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I spent the evening last night with our new teacher here--a Sufi mystic Muslim Indian Londoner with 4,000 years of lifetimes under his belt. Not the least of these lifetimes was being a witch in Romania in the Middle Ages. I decided then that that's why I'm so taken by him. "Let's see," he stroked his scruff, "I've also been a shaman, a Turkish dervish, a Buddhist monk, a sufi mystic, an Indian ascetic," and the list goes on.

He came over to help me with my health (to check my biorhythms, as he said). After asking about whether my bed was facing the right direction (per feng shue), we discussed his spiritual heritage and why all this stuff came so easily for him.

I smiled and took mental notes of his advice, most of it being extremely pertinent, and stopped worrying about whether he was "out there" or not and how far. Little difference, I decided. He's a fascinating person, full of goodness and spirituality, and I'm going to learn from him.

In sum, he eagerly noted a lot of the stuff I've already dabbled in: to form an intention in your mind, to let it go into the universe, and then it will realize. We are creators. Divine Beings. And that's what we must remember but most often what we choose not to see. If we lived according to that truth, our lives would be dramatically different. But we create for ourselves what we need to learn. So if you're in darkness, it's there to help you recognize the light.

In terms of my health, I loved what he said about life lessons (and not just this life, mind you): If you're to learn something, you'll keep creating experiences for yourself to learn it. And if you don't learn it there, it will become bigger and bigger and more obvious and manifest. And physical, yes. I've known I needed to relax my mental grip on life for years now, but it's been hard to do it, so I've had to really face it physically while here in Korea. "Relax and let it go and calm your frantic mind," remind my tight neck and my monstrous headaches.

In terms of world affairs, the same lessons apply. Humanity needs to learn certain lessons to evolve, and so we create for ourselves ways to learn them. And when we don't, they just keep coming--and more and more obvious and gruesome at that.

Scott joined our conversation just in time for Farhan to try and bend a spoon with his mind. At this point, we were pretty tired, and our earthy natures eclipsed our interest in the mystic, as Matrix-y as this last bit was. So we ushered Farhan out and went to bed, neither of us speaking. A lot to swallow for these kids from America's West.

Into the Mystic, ck [2003-03-27]
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