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Some Korean friends invited us to join them on an outing. They gave us little explanation about what we were going to do--left it vague on purpose. They only said that we shouldn't miss it and that it would be a cultural experience.

Saturday morning we drove to Dunsandong to what became my new favorite place on earth: the JIM JIL BONG. Translated, I think it means heaven in hell. It's the hottest and most comfortable place you could ever be. It's a spa.

We went in and paid the busy woman at the front counter five dollars each and she gave us shorts and a t-shirt. Then we took off our shoes and left them in a special locker and all boarded an elevator. I, along with all the other men, got off on the third floor; the women proceeded to the fifth.

I entered the men's locker room and traded the key to my shoe locker for a key to a clothes locker. I changed from my regular clothes into the issued shorts and t-shirt and took some stairs to the fourth floor, the communal floor.

Sunlight was streaming through the large windows. Families were sitting in clusters on the polished rock floor. Some people were asleep, their heads cradled by wooden blocks, others were sitting on the floor playing chess. A large plasma TV was playing the Korean favorite soap opera--not too loud. Not disturbing. Men, women, and children were going in and out of numerous adjoining rooms, apparently each one with a different purpose or theme. Everyone looked extremely comfortable. They looked like they were at home.

By mistake, our Korean hosts on this outing told me to meet the group on the fifth level. I found a set of stairs and after catching a quick glimpse at a roomful of stark naked women, I quickly ascertained that it was the fourth level that we were to meet on.

Soon Celeste and the other women in our group met us and we began to explore. We entered the glass doors to a larger room and were met with the nutty smell of natural, woven, straw mats lining the floor. This room was noticeably warm. Framed art, Asian and abstract, accented the walls. This room connected three saunas, each at a different temperature and with a different theme. Outside each sauna was displayed an illuminated glass sign boasting of the healing minerals contained in that particular sauna. We opened the wooden door and walked into the oven. Our legs and feet danced as they stepped over, through, and on sweaty limbs and bodies. We found/made an open spot on the floor and began to sweat. Sure enough, the ceiling was made of gold.

The sauna to the right of the gold room was made entirely of clay slate. To the left of the gold room was the amethyst room, a room covered in jagged, sparkling rocks.

After I had cooked long enough, I exited the furnace and explored the cold room--quite literally a luxurious meat locker. Then I went to the charcoal room. There was a mini theater playing a DVD off in the corner with families grouped and lounging on the floor. There was even a few coin-operated PCs for the compu-addicts tucked away in a corner. Conveniently, there was even a little restaurant located in the spa so you don't have to leave if you get hungry.

Eventually, I went to sit in a cooler room made of aromatic cedar wood. There was a large oval window pouring sunlight in the room. I lay down and meditated for a long time. At one point two women came in and sat down not far from me. They began to talk and to laugh. Their friendly laughter and chatter didn't bother me. On the contrary, I found it superbly refreshing. And then the nature of this place was suddenly clear in my mind: it was a place of friendship, health, and relaxation. I then formulated what I think will surely earn me the Nobel Peace Prize--Jim Jill Bong Diplomacy! If George Bush, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, and any other half-baked kook ruling a nation were to sit down with their apparent adversary and sweat together--experience a little bit of relaxation, friendship making, and enjoyment of the Jim Jill Bong-- I'm sure that they'll be able to work out any differences they had between them.

A Clean, Well-Heated Place--Scottro [2003-03-18]
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